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otdfctl decrypt

decrypt [file] - Decrypt a TDF file


otdfctl decrypt [flags]


Decrypt a Trusted Data Format (TDF) file and output the contents to stdout or a file in the current working directory.

The first argument is the TDF file with path from the current working directory being decrypted.


Various ways to decrypt a TDF file

# decrypt file and write to standard output
otdfctl decrypt hello.txt.tdf

# decrypt file and write to hello.txt file
otdfctl decrypt hello.txt.tdf -o hello.txt

# decrypt piped TDF content and write to hello.txt file
cat hello.txt.tdf | otdfctl decrypt -o hello.txt

Advanced piping is supported

$ echo "hello world" | otdfctl encrypt | otdfctl decrypt | cat
hello world

ZTDF Assertion Verification (experimental)

To verify the signed assertions (metadata bound to the TDF), you can provide verification keys. The supported assertion signing algorithms are HS256 and RS256 so the keys provided should either be an HS256 key or a public RS256 key.

# decrypt file and write to standard output
otdfctl decrypt hello.txt.tdf --with-assertion-verification-keys my_assertion_verification_keys.json

Where my_assertion_verification_keys.json looks like:

{"keys":{"assertion1":{ "alg":"HS256","key":"k0cn4xBcY+49z5gs4OHUs/kbQ3/T8p+uUW9pIQ/9aqE="},"assertion2":{ "alg":"RS256","key":"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAmr0wRsdXN0O9NiltxoGy\nC6ZYwHbdiPVzvOnm9ven5g7Fpm3HOmygdi021WX1OlSua+OSrXGPjM2xbY3LTrFH\nQXQEITjraXQRp5vlKDbBnOrtjYDaKazBXgTYVdelE4AIAuQaGoTudMasHBGiLPEW\niTL4ySec0NzHn2s72Q4hn5/KJpIJOGqj0SlNViufdNylkjrJ3apoYFv1Mhwi3EF/\niFZQ5encDDJmcG/UYF3msbuHRzArJJQ733BNRvicWF/nqixKxprvm8Ts8a54tr8N\nZ7cEu1u5G6AY/pZFGk4ml8q3v5o1ja7xw2dgpJlS8Tl88tUzs+7GG8Ib8n7mHqeP\nTQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"}}}

If no verification keys are provided, the SDK will default to verifying using the payload key. If the assertions were not signed with the payload key, the decrypt call will fail.


-o, --out <out>
The file destination for decrypted content to be written instead of stdout. (required: false)
-t, --tdf-type <tdf-type>
Deprecated. TDF type is now auto-detected. (required: false)
--no-verify-assertions <no-verify-assertions>
disable verification of assertions (required: false)
--with-assertion-verification-keys <with-assertion-verification-keys>
EXPERIMENTAL: path to JSON file of keys to verify signed assertions. See examples for more information.  (required: false)